Asking Better Questions – The Link Between Innovators and Coaches with Doug Gfeller, MCC

In the process of reading “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovations” which is one of my key take-a-ways from the ICF Global Conference, Converge17, I was struck with how the same techniques for asking questions to encourage innovation also apply to how we as coach’s can ask better questions of our clients. Listen as we explore how to ask questions that describe and then disrupt the territory. We will also look at the follow up to asking questions, an area that has not been given enough attention to by coaches!

Hal Gregersen “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovations”by Gregersen, Dyer and Christensen

Recorded live on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show on September 7, 2017