The Power of Choice –
an interview with Laura Aiello

Have ever said these words, “I have no choice?” If so, then listen to this interview as Doug Gfeller, MCC talks to Laura Aiello, speaker, coach and writer. Laura pulls back the curtain on what’s really going on when we feel like we are in between the proverbial “rock and a hard place.” She shares with us how to see it, deal with it and then move on. She explains her five “Whys” and other techniques to either help yourself or your clients deal with situations where is does not seem you have a choice. Laura has over 20 years of experience in the Health, Wellness and Fitness Industry. Her skills include; Wellness and Fitness, Writing and Blogging, Social Media, and Speaking.
Contact Laura at www.ultimateupcycle.com
Recorded live on April 14, 2016 on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show