“Three Keys to Double Your Fees and Fill Your Business With High Quality Clients” with Jennifer Diepstraten.
In this live interview Jennifer wants to know if you are ready to increase your fees (without having to “give” more) AND have a business full of clients you LOVE? She shares in this interview how to get on the fastest path to cash and quadruple your income with strategy session conversations that really work AND feel great! She shares with us her keys to both higher fees and raising fees, how to get raving fans and creating a marketing funnel. Jennifer Diepstraten has 20 years’ experience in sales, relationship coaching, and communication studies so she understands what it really takes to inspire people to take decisive action.
For a free e-book “The High Ticket Selling Revolution”
More information about Jennifer Diepstraten
Recorded live on May 18, 2017 on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show.