What Is The Female Business Model?
with Audrey Groeschel
Audrey is a coach and facilitator of an “Uncommon Society of Entrepreneurial Women”. She is the force behind the women business support group, Goddess at the Grindstone and wants to spread the word of being in business as a woman and what that means. Too often women in the business world are doing business from a deficit, utilizing men’s strengths and not their own to create, run, and do their businesses. While the male model has been working for men for centuries, women struggle with the model set in front of them because it is simply not the way our brains work. It is time for us, as women; to give ourselves the leg up we deserve and learn to come from the place that we are meant to, our innate feminine side. After years at many different types of jobs and businesses, she has finally found what the most important thing to her is, being allowed to be a woman in business and sharing that message with all.
Take-A-Ways: Recognizing these differences can open up new opportunities in problem solving.
- Women approach issues with more emotion and intuition then men. These are not negative things!
- Women are more verbal about their thought process then men.
Recorded live on October 28, 2015 on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show