Coaching Teens with Michael Stratford & Rita’s Review
“Coaching Teens.” with Michael Stratford; Speaker, Author, and Board Certified Master Coach. Known as “The Provocateur of Transformation.” Michael is a champion of uniqueness. As a presenter, he speaks from experience, and the mastery born of 2 decades of coaching clients from rock bands to Fortune 500 company execs and their teams. Michael has also trained over 6,000 coaches and authored 4 books on coaching. In the field of Executive Coaching he has earned a reputation for helping others achieve a level of excellence in communication, leadership, and team performance. But I did not know until recently that he also works with teens and that is what we talked about on the radio show of February 21
“Rita’s Review” Rita Conley of HR Alternatives appears on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show every month to bring you a summary of that month’s ICF/OC meeting. Rita is going to review for you the February 13 ICF-OC – How to Build a Lucrative and Lifestyle Friendly Coaching Business with Ted McGrath on the February 21 radio show.