Free Yourself from Perfectionism
with Betsy Gutting, JD
“Free Yourself from Perfectionism” with Betsy Gutting JD on The Coaching Perspective Radio Show. Betsy is a Transformational Coach and recovering perfectionist who is excited to share some powerful tools to bring more balance, joy and productivity into your work and life. She left a law career to guide others to hear and follow their truth. Through her seminars and coaching, she has helped thousands of people do the work they love or love the work they do. Listen to discover the signs of being too hard on yourself and how you can shed this habit from your repertoire! Are you a high achiever who thrives on creating stellar results? Are you also your own worst critic and wonder why joy and fulfillment elude you? If so, you’re not alone. Perfectionism is practically an epidemic among top performers and almost always leads to burnout.
Recorded live on OCTalkRadio.net on February 25, 2016
- The Magic of Saying Yes: Answering Your Heart’s True Calling
by Betsy Gutting
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