Leadership Training; Does it Work? and What Works Best; Questions or Advice? with Doug Gfeller, MCC
Doug tackle’s two topics in today’s short radio show. The first explores the questionable value of off-site leadership training and the obstacles that the trainee faces when they return to their original environment. Based on personal examples, using short group training sessions followed up by individual phone coaching can dramatically increase the benefits of the training by moving the discussions from textbook to real world examples.
The second topic deals with the often discussed issue of coaches giving advice vs asking questions. It addresses the client’s question that if you are not going to tell me what to do then what is the value of the coaching. The answer to this and the issue of what the ICF Ethics Standards say should be done are looked in detail. This discussion can be applied as readily to any case where you are asked to give advice as it can be to the coaching relationship. Lots of ideas for coaches and non-coaches both.
Andrew Fox Linkedin article.
Maureen Metcalf Ask Inciting Questions.
Listen to the podcast at TheCoachingPerspective
Doug and Paul Roberts of OCTalkRadio getting ready to go live on November 17, 2017